Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider
While other high schoolers drove around listening to Kurt Cobain, Alanis Morisette, and Matchbox 20, I was tuned in to my local AM radio station listening to Dave....I suppose that is where it all began.
As the child of two parents who had been in a car accident and were left disabled, I knew that it was important to be prepared for the unexpected. Dave's sound teachings gave me a sense of financial security from an early age. My Father passed as I started my college career; although he had done his best to raise me, I still had a long road to true independence and self-reliance. Thanks to Dave, scholarships, and working 3 jobs in addition to classes, I was able to work my way through college debt-free without becoming a financial burden to my mother who passed only a few years later.
Continuing to lean into Dave, I devoured his books, training, live events, and resources for personal finance and business. Implementing his philosophies and best practices into my real estate business has helped me and my wife raise 4 children in a debt-free home. We live well within our means, and we have worked our way through all the baby steps. After years of sharing Dave's teachings with my real estate clients, our businesses merged in 2009 as I secured a position as Dave's Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) in real estate.
Since 2009, I have helped advise over 2,000 Dave Ramsey fans in various capacities- including over $40M in RE transactions. I have maintained a placement in Dave's top 100 ELPs in the world and ranked as high as #9. This has led to the opportunity of meeting Dave several times, including extended time at his headquarters in Nashville, at his home, and an evening on the town with Dave and Sharon- entertained by Nashville's talented musicians. Dave even entrusted me with the care of a member of his executive team as she moved to Spokane.
I have been inspired to sponsor dozens of individuals with scholarships to Financial Peace University, founded by Entreleaders of Spokane, for local business owners and community leaders, and hosted Financial Peace Live at the Bing Crosby Theater for FREE to the Spokane Community.
While high school feels so far away, as I’m looking at how far I’ve come, I realize this journey has been a series of small steps- each one leading me closer to where I am today. I’m grateful for what I have learned (and continue to learn each day); I love these opportunities to teach, connect, and serve our community as we all move forward together.